Mr. Robot

Mr. Robot
Season 4
TV Series Review

402 Payment Required 

Payment Required is short, but it had a few stories. As a shocker to Darlene and Elliot, their mom died. As a result, Elliot and Darlene go to pick up their mom’s belongings at the rest home. Once there, Darlene claims some sentimental objects of value. Finally, we learn of the Deus Group, and Darlene […]

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Mr. Robot
Season 4
TV Series Review

401 Unauthorized 

Let’s jump into these stories of this broadcast. As a starter, the Dark Army kills Angela. Next, we see Whiterose is messed up. Also, Elliot gets into how messed up pagan Christmas is. As the segment gets rolling, a law firm does the Dark Army’s dirty work. Lastly, Elliot plans to drain Whiterose’s bank accounts, […]

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Mr. Robot
Season 3
TV Series Review

shutdown -r 

There’s some good stories in this episode, but I have to say this broadcast feels like The Shining. With that, Irving, a gay enforcer, chops up the FBI Director. Plus, we learn, too, Evil Corp CEO Price is Angela’s biological dad. Additionally, Elliot threatens leaks about the Dark Army. As well, Irving is the devil. […]

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Mr. Robot
Season 3
TV Series Review


This broadcast is a handful. Let’s start with the world is divided up by hackers. Next, multinational conglomerate CEO Price isn’t prepared to accept or acknowledge his corporate responsibility to the people. As well, Angela can’t accept that her loving dead mother is never coming back, ever. Finally, Elliot owns the Dark Army. These great […]

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Mr. Robot
Season 3
TV Series Review


Read between the lines to catch these story lines in this segment. First, Elliot suffered trauma in his childhood as a result of his dad. Also, Elliot makes plans to kill himself, because he can’t find anything to do with the rest of his life. Plus, Angela is delusional in believing the dead will return […]

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Mr. Robot
Season 3
TV Series Review


This broadcast has a lot going on in the background. The airing takes off with Trenton and Mobley being framed as Iranian plane terrorists. Next on the list is Mr. Robot clues in Krista about Elliot. Additionally, Mr. Robot discusses ”the conspiracy” and ”the narrative.” Not only that, Krista can’t report Elliot as the architect […]

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Mr. Robot
Season 3
TV Series Review 

This episode had some huge story lines to follow. First, the murderous FBI Director Santiago warns his mother to stay home, for her safety, in the expectation of an imminent terrorist attack. Second, Angela sees through her dying moms beliefs that they will meet again, in some after life. Third, Tyrell goes crazy right before […]

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Mr. Robot
Season 3
TV Series Review


Here’s the rundown on runtime error. This airing sees lots of neoconservatism and protests in this one. As well, Darlene confesses to Elliot about working for the FBI. Another thing, art imitates reality when Evil Corp is attacked, during this episode. Finally, this episode slams Trump because this broadcast isn’t politically neutral. Lots of political […]

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Mr. Robot
Season 3
TV Series Review


This broadcast is a handful. Lets begin with the economy is gone to hell. As well, to locate Darlene, Elliot examines the photo metadata of Darlene’s secret webcam. Not only that, apparently, Mr. Robot hurt Darlene in the past. As well, voice protectors, particle colliders, and Fsociety followers come into play. Further, Mr. Robot’s ”revolution” […]

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Mr. Robot
Season 3
TV Series Review 

As this broadcast plays, we piece some Mr.Robot facts together. First, Angela clues in Tyrell that Elliot is someone different. Also, when it comes to racism, Leon and the neo-nazies are the same. Finally, the FBI director, Santiago, btw who is Dom’s boss, is a Dark Army plant. These are just a few of the […]

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