

How You Can Destroy A 100 Million Dollar 5th Generation Jet Fighter With One Single Character

Here’s how a $100 million jet fighter can be destroyed with a single character. By altering the greedy algorithm’s heuristic function with a simple “.” you can corrupt the entire algorithm. This corrupted heuristic function will cause the jet to crash. This modification can be done either from the ground or on the jet itself. […]

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Video Games

Two Prompts Hacks The World Bank

AI is going crazy. With two prompts, it wrote Python code for Tic Tac Toe. Also, it provided a playable game of that code in a separate window. Imagine creating your own unique games or hacking the world bank in two prompts. Crazy!

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Build Your Own Private ChatGPT: A Guide to Self-Hosted Conversational AI Freedom

Tired of corporate giants like OpenAI and Google hoarding your data and conversations with their language models? Take back control and create your very own privacy-focused chatbot like ChatGPT! With a few lines of code and some computational resources, you can have a powerful conversational AI assistant that stays entirely under your control – no […]

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Music Video Reactions


“LISA82” is an electrifying AI rap video project that seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with the rhythmic beats of hip-hop. In this groundbreaking endeavor, the AI protagonist, aptly named LISA82, takes center stage, captivating viewers with her unparalleled flow and lyrical prowess. Set against a backdrop of futuristic visuals and pulsating soundscapes, the video immerses audiences […]

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Shor’s Algorithm: Unleashing Quantum Magic on Your Encryption (A Sarcastic Masterpiece)

Oh, just stumbled upon this brilliant quantum algorithm called Shor’s algorithm. It’s apparently a genius at cracking everything – VPNs, communications, encryption, even the NSA’s secrets. Just another one of those pointless algorithms I whipped up to add to the vast collection of useless knowledge out there. Because, you know, breaking encryption is just child’s […]

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Instant Go Live App

Ah, the Instant Go Live app, the epitome of technological wonder! Be on the internet without the internet. With its promise of mirrors and servers available anytime anywhere anyplace at the snap of a finger, because who doesn’t need an emergency mirror at 3 AM? And the no censorship, no oversight policy—because who needs pesky […]

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Quantum Computer Black Hole App

I have authored a couple of IBMQ programs, which could could be run on any number of the quantum computers around the world. These programs, detailed below, for example, explore quantum computing applications that involve the creation of black holes. Feel free to review the code provided for a closer look at their intended functionalities. […]

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Lisa bot

Lisa is a Discord bot that is always happy to help, wink wink. She can answer questions, if you’re lucky. She can play games, but only the ones she wants to. She can even create custom content, if you pay her enough. She is always learning and growing, or so she says. She is always […]

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AI Generated Rap Music

“Bored” is a self evident AI algorithm hip hop track I generated with python code. One of many AI tracks or variations I will post. The track is totally AI constructed, which is better than corporations that make rap, in my opinion. I will post the AI generated music video soon. But enjoy the beat.

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Tired of no users in your Battlecam chat room? Now, here’s Battlecam ChatGPT to generate content and users. This chatbot will predict and create new content based on old chat messages of past users and post it in chat. Thanks to Markov chains, you will never know the difference between the fake old users and […]

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