Comic Book Reviews

Comic Book Reviews

The Deception of Perception: Wolverine’s Illusory Battle

In a world where perceptions can be as deceiving as the most cunning of villains, one’s identity and the identities of those around them may not be as clear-cut as believed-people may not be who they look like to you. Take, for instance, the tale of Wolverine from the Uncanny X-Men. In a tragic twist […]

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Comic Book Reviews

Callisto: The Morlocks’ Maverick Leader

In the shadowy depths beneath New York City, a society of outcasts found solace and solidarity. They were the Morlocks, named after the subterranean dwellers in H.G. Wells’ “The Time Machine.” At the helm of this hidden community was Callisto, a figure as enigmatic as she was formidable.

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Comic Book Reviews

The Alley

What exactly is the Morlocks Alley? It’s an underground tunnel serving as the meeting ground for the Morlocks. A hidden tunnel, a teleportation hub, the birthplace of plans, the arena for battles, and the heart of their familial ties. Situated beneath the New York subways, it’s a deep sanctuary for this community.

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Comic Book Reviews

Elektra’s Resurrection

After being murdered by Bullseye, Elektra is resurrected by the Hand. Here’s some Foo Fighters about the whole ordeal.

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Comic Book Reviews

The Marauders

With money being worthless across the world, the Marauders are the middlemen in the new global black market. If your country can’t buy or sell due to being blacklisted, you must go through the underground in order to survive.

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Comic Book Reviews

Angel Hair Wine

The stuff of angels. Something you would give your right hand for.

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Comic Book Reviews

Legion Of Super Heroes Millennium

Here’s a comic that’s about the future. It’s a future where a confederation of planets call the shots in space, and it’s a future where the earth is now governed by the United Nations. Some argue that future is right now.

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Comic Book Reviews

AI Warfare

Good story about AI, robots, soldiers, and Mars. Coming soon…

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Comic Book Reviews
Movie Reviews

The Eternals

Great comic. Great movie. Just in time for the end of this world.

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