Let’s get right into these highlights. Turner gets rid of Michael. Also, Monty is dreaming. Plus, Alissa is finished. And Brittney is crazy. These are my highlights for this episode.
During this broadcast, Turner cuts his ties with the last LQBT community member in the house. This happened when he got rid of Michael. In his nomination of Michael, Turner stated he was to be the only gay person in the house.
Elsewhere, Monty thinks he will be taken to final two. He’s thinking Taylor or Alissa will take him. Wake up Monty; nobody has a chance against you in final two, and nobody will want to take you to the final two in their right mind.
In other BB news, Taylor sees Turner responsible for getting Michael out. But it was all of them that voted him out. However, Micheal would of not made it on the block except for the team work of Monty and Turner.
It was this episode that Turner revealed how he might spend the prize money. He said he would buy a 40 dollar chameleon and name him Nolan. Turner is frivolous, so he might do that.
We see Monty just blew his chance of POV, in this airing. That could cost him the prize. Every move counts in the end game.
Monty might be right about one thing about the game. Monty says this may all be a bad dream. Lots of people say we are all just a dream in a dream.
I think Alissa is done. I think Alissa is joining Kyle in jury. Monty can’t vote, And it seems to me, the other players won’t vote for her.
This episode sees Brittany win. She wins the Coo Coo POV. Brittany is cockoo, so this comp was made for her.
I feeling, Brittany could win the HOH on Eviction Night. If she does, she is final 2, which might lead to enough jury votes to win BB. But we will see.
Briefly, I enjoyed a few highlights tonight. First, Turner would squander his money if he won. Also, Monty is dreaming at the end of the game. And yeah, we always knew Brittney was crazy. I hope you liked these highlights.