Day: September 24, 2024


Facts? Ridiculous.

Yeah, righto. How can there be any real facts when the world keeps flipping upside down? Once upon a time, gay marriage was deemed wrong; now it’s right? What up with that? There was also a time when bulldozing buildings for profit wasn’t just business as usual. And let’s not forget—juries decide what’s “true” and […]

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Oh, congressional oversight has problems? You don’t say. The biggest shocker: it’s political! I mean, take a look at these committees, like the US Committee on Financial Services or the Committee on Oversight and Reform. All political. And just for fun, throw in the US House of Representatives—because, surprise, also political! You’ve got attorney generals […]

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Another Brick In The Wall

Duhhh! The Democrats, in their never-ending quest for total control, are apparently going after O Diddy now. I mean, what better way to keep their “rank and file” in line than by prosecuting a celebrity, right? Clearly, this is the crack in the wall. And let’s not forget, Damian Williams was nominated by Joe Biden—because […]

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The Supreme Court’s Dance with Diversity: Agreeing with Marshall, Dodging Marxism

The Supreme Court nodded along with Justice Marshall on the whole racial inequality thing in a famous affirmative action case. But they weren’t about to start waving the Marxist flag and shouting about majority oppression. Nope, they decided to sidestep the societal minefield and instead, they played the “diversity is good for education” card. So, […]

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Live Streaming Posts

Capitalists VS Marxists

In the end, it’s going to be a showdown between the capitalists and the Marxists. The capitalists, ever the smooth talkers, will offer anything to keep the market economy chugging along and the exploitation machine well-oiled. Meanwhile, the Marxists will be clamoring for wealth redistribution, but hey, they might just settle for some welfare crumbs […]

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