Month: August 2024


Supreme Court, Duh

Oh, the US Supreme Court? Yeah, totally in touch with reality. I mean, who needs elections when you can be handpicked for life? And let’s not forget the diversity—Catholics galore! And, of course, if you didn’t go to Harvard or Yale, you can just forget about it. But don’t worry, they’ve got that East Coast […]

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Impulse Revised
TV Series Review

New Beginnings

In the latest episode of “Impulse Revised” titled “New Beginnings,” the tension between Henry and Clay reaches a boiling point. After Henry saves Clay by teleporting him to safety, Clay’s reaction is far from grateful. He lashes out, calling Henry a monster and threatening to expose her. Henry, unfazed, retorts that no one will believe […]

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Impulse Revisionism

They Know Not What They Want To Do

In the heart of the wilderness, Evil Corp fieldworkers find themselves reminiscing about the comforts of cubicle life and the allure of an office with a view. Their current reality, however, is far from idyllic. Tasked with retrieving a teleporter who is bleeding to death from a stab wound, they face a surreal and grim […]

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$500 DJI Drones Destroy Million Dollar Tanks, So What’s Next?

It doesn’t take a genius to see the battleground is coming here. I mean the streets of the US, Canada, or the UK. Imagine cops trying to protect citizens from an enemy in the sky. And one they can’t see.

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AI Chatbots Can Identity People Online And Offline

Here’s something we’ve known and have been using to identify people both online and offline: an AI chatbot. In fact, Claude AI hinted at this capability in their latest press release.

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Down By The River

For many Americans, it’s luxury to just have a van. Let alone a place to live. Period.

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9 Lawyers Threaten Democracy

Oh, isn’t it just fascinating how democracy is apparently under threat by—wait for it—nine lawyers? Scalia, ever the beacon of foresight, warned us about this dire menace to our freedom. Who knew the real rulers of 320 million Americans were those unelected Supreme Court justices, masquerading as a super legislature? In the Obergefell vs. Hodges […]

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The Mist’s Arrowhead Project

Fiction mirrors reality. Scientists have long been aware of dimensions surrounding us. They discovered this when they created laboratory wormholes, which folded the universe in half to enable travel across vast distances. These lab wormholes revealed new worlds seemingly out of thin air, leading scientists to create doors into different dimensions.

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Create Your Own Search Engine To Get Around Google’s AI Tailored Results

Feeling frustrated with Google’s AI “personalized” search results? Create your own search engine and explore the true breadth of the internet! And not just what Google wants you to see.

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TV Series Review

The San Pedro Beach Bums

The ABC network TV series “The San Pedro Beach Bums” made me laugh. It’s interesting to think that “beach bums” can also refer to the homeless. Right now, Santa Monica has quite a few people who fit that description.

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