In this airing, there’s all kinds of things happening in the Big Brother house. To begin, Tyler and Bayleigh call off beef. Next, Julie Chan is serious about quarantine. Also, Devon can’t stop farting. These are just some of the activities in the Big Brother house.

First and foremost, we learn Tyler and Bayleigh have called a truce. Tyler tells us on live feeds: “So coming into the house, I just need to make sure Bailey and I are cool.” Tyler and Bayleigh were sworn enemies in season 20.
In fact, Bayleigh complemented Tyler. Bayleigh told everyone on live feeds: “You’re game play was really good… I don’t want things to be awkward between Tyler and I.” Bayleigh thought Tyler played well in the game.
In their season, Cody and Memphis came down to final three, so now they made a new alliance in Big Brother 22.
“Basically, a six person alliance below the Commission,” Memphis reveals to everyone on live feeds.
When it comes to game play, Christmas felt like me, but she failed to follow through on her plan. Christmas said, “Keep the one we can beat… Keesha.” However, Christmas voted against Keesha.
Apparently, Covid-19 is a real fear in the CBS Big Brother studio, according to Julie Chan.
“When you exit the house, please, socially distance and go straight to the empty chair across from me. And remember please put on your mask,” repeats a cautious Julie Chan.
Meanwhile, in nominations, we learn Memphis made David upset.
“I don’t like to see people cry,” Dani says about David.
When on cam, Dani reveal how things have changed in Big Brother.

“Literally, everything is different. It’s wild,” Dani says about competitions.
While in the Big Brother house, Dani noticed people haven’t used the bathtub. “Have you noticed, not one person bathed?” Dani tells the All-Stars.
Later, we learn that Davon is farting all over the house. Davon admits: “I can’t go outside.” She can’t go in the bathroom on account of mics.
Afterward, when nobody is around, Cody has jokes.
“The whole house is going f..king crazy… I’ll strike deals with whoever,” Cody laughs as he impersonates Enzo to Bayleigh and Devon.
Toward the end, we learn that Tyler is going to deal with Memphis in his own time.
“I do have a plan to get Memphis out of here. But when the time comes. Memphis, you ain’t gonna be playing the fence like that,” Tyler says to himself on live feeds when nobody is around.
In his nominations, Memphis was mean, which upset. Tyler tells us on live feeds: “You’re at the grow ups table. You got to earn your place.” Tyler did not like it when Memphis was mean to David.
During this broadcast, we learn, too, that the All-Stars are sneezing in the house. Nicole says, “I am allergic to your beauty.” Possibly, she has Covid-19; however, Big Brother nose testing has picked up on it, according to Big Brother.
Overall, I liked this episode. I got to learn some inside baseball in the house, according to Dani. As well, I laughed my head off at Cody’s impersonation of Enzo. Not only that, Devon’s farting around had me laughing; that is, can you imagine Big Brother having to listen to those farts in the bathroom. I enjoyed this segment of the Big Brother season.