Impulse Revised’s “State Of Mind” delves into some grim themes as it explores the persistent yearning of Lucas, the black sheep of his family, to join their illicit drug smuggling enterprise in a bid to draw closer to his kin, shedding light on the potential dangers lurking within families. Concurrently, Deputy Anna’s unsettling revelation that her role is intended for public service prompts introspection. The narrative also uncovers alarming signs of memory lapses in Henry, hinting at potential dementia, and leaves us questioning her enigmatic powers, much like Townes Linderman. The episode’s chilling moments include Bill’s reprehensible treatment of Henry, verging on manipulation, and Cleo’s skepticism regarding the doctor’s prognosis, suggesting that something deeply troubling may be afoot with Henry.

Japanese people in movies drink water when singing in a bar and act drunk, but this is likely toned down for a young audience. Most Americans have never been to Japan, so they wouldn’t know the difference anyway.

What a wholesome family! Smuggling drugs, laundering money, and all under one roof. And the stepson, Lucas, just wants to be a part of it. How heartwarming!

This “State Of Mind” brings out the whole thing of imagine waking up in a strange place with no recollection of how you got there. You might wonder if you did something terrible that you can’t remember. The uncertainty and fear would linger long after you woke up, leaving you to ponder what really happened.

State of Mind also teaches us that families can be dangerous. Cleo’s fiancé warns Henry that Bill will do anything to protect his family, and that he’s not someone to mess with. He implies that he is the same.

In one scene, the corrupt Reston sheriff is all about control. He tells Deputy Anna to make friends because she will serve better that way. It sounds like he is comparing her to minority students admitted to Ivy League schools who are expected to provide a service to the rest of the school by teaching others about their culture.

Throughout the episode, Henry’s memory fails her. She forgets that her car is still at the RV storage where she teleported inside Clay’s car. This could be a sign of dementia, or it could be something in her deep consciousness trying to tell her something. In addition, she blackouts.

The show also explores high school dating, including dances, dates, and crushes. However, it also touches on the darker side of dating, such as the possibility of sexual assault. Henry is unsure whether Clay raped her or not, reflecting the uncertainty and confusion that many victims of sexual assault experience.

Townes Linderman, the autistic high school student, mentions that Henry has a pessimistic attitude, which is natural for people with powers, according to the comics he reads. However, he remains unsure whether Henry is a superhero or a supervillain. He adds that there are tests to determine which one she is.

This segment shows that Clay has a lot of support from his school friends, who have sent him letters, cards, and other items. However, these friends are unaware of the accusations against him or the drug smuggling activities of his family. It is unclear whether they know about these things and simply do not care, or whether they are truly unaware.

Bill Boone, Clay’s father, is exceptionally creepy in this episode. He forces Henry into his car while she is walking home, and stares at her in a disturbing way. He sounds like a john propositioning a prostitute when he says that his old car runs well and that she should do him a favor like she did Clay. Henry is clearly uncomfortable, but this type of behavior probably happens all the time.

We learn, too, in this broadcast, Cleo observes the doctor promises to cure Henry, and Henry is eager to believe this. However, Cleo has done some research online and learned that medication or surgery may not be able to cure Henry’s seizures. But who can focus on a negative prognosis when things can only get worse?

This episode reveals Bill’s true evil nature when he manipulates Henry into staying in his car. He talks about being young, double standards, sex, and drugs, and tells Henry that she can call her mother if she’s worried about getting home on time

In State of Mind, the Impulse Revised episode delves into a dark and complex exploration of family ties, the dangers of power, and the challenges of mental illness.

Lucas’s yearning to join his family’s drug smuggling business, despite knowing the risks involved, highlights the potential dangers that can lurk within families. Deputy Anna’s revelation about her role in public service prompts introspection and raises questions about the nature of duty and service.

Henry’s memory lapses and enigmatic powers, which even Townes Linderman struggles to comprehend, hint at a deeper darkness within her. Bill’s reprehensible treatment of Henry, bordering on manipulation, and Cleo’s skepticism of the doctor’s prognosis suggest that something deeply troubling may be afoot.

Overall, State of Mind is a powerful and thought-provoking episode that leaves us pondering the complex dynamics of family, the dangers of power, and the challenges of mental illness.

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