Space 1999 is a thought-provoking show that combines humor, absurdity, and sadness. It encourages contemplation, just like the Moon Base Alpha drifting off course through space. Similarly, Earth moves through our galaxy amidst an ever-expanding universe, consisting of over 2 trillion galaxies, following its own unique path.
The opening of the show is hilarious. It begins with a grand introduction, befitting of the talented Martin Landau and Barbara Bain, followed by an impressive guitar riff. It’s important to note that the TV series revolves around toy models, peculiar planet landscapes, and a miniature moon base. This series truly sparks the imagination.
Sandra? Mm hmm. Dr. Helena did everything she could to save her, but it meant nothing. The whole thing is ridiculous. I mean, we’re always going to die slowly, one by one. It’s no use.
In addition, the uniforms worn by the cast are remarkably fashionable and stylish, considering the time period of the 1970s. It’s intriguing to ponder how such trendy outfits, like flares and bell bottoms, would be suitable for a space setting. Moreover, one might wonder about the logistics of maintaining these fashionable suits while living on the moon. Who takes care of dry cleaning them? Furthermore, given the limited population of only 400 people on the moon, one might question whether anyone would truly be concerned about the fashionability of their attire.
Don’t philosophize, John. Not with me. I’m not talking about Sandra! I’m talking about everything! When are we gonna stop kidding ourselves? We’re never going to get off this rock. This is our tomb. We walk about here breathing, but we’re not living. We’re existing.
In this episode, the spotlight is on the concept of time. However, the passage of time on earth differs greatly from that on moonbase Alpha. Unlike earth, moonbase Alpha lacks the familiar cycles of days, nights, hours, and weeks. With multiple suns, orbits, and solar systems to consider in outer space, time is constantly changing on moonbase Alpha. Nevertheless, the moonbase manages to adhere to earth’s standard of time, putting on a convincing display. So, what exactly is time?
This segment delves into the topic of mental illness. In a particular scene, Dr. Helena attempts to revive Commander Koenig from a deep sleep using shock therapy, but tragically ends up causing his demise. It raises the question of how effective mental health treatment is in the depths of space. As expected, the challenges of maintaining mental well-being in space are abundant.
I want to live like a human being again. We all do Victor. Oh no. Not you. You’re the big man around here. How does it feel to play God everyday, huh?
In this episode, Victor, the scientist, displays a dark sense of humor. With a smile on his face, he cheerfully informs the Commander that they are slowly perishing on a desolate space rock, and there is no solution to their predicament. It seems absurd – no one can rescue them. Victor highlights the utter hopelessness of their situation, emphasizing that their existence is devoid of true life.
The Commander refuses to accept it while blood trickles down his face. He questions Victor about any alternative options. They can only concentrate on the small positive aspects.
Victor raises an important observation regarding a prominent theme in the 1970s: the desire to escape. During this period, many individuals were flocking to the suburbs as they grew weary of city living. Additionally, there was a strong yearning to reconnect with nature and escape the confines of urban environments. Consequently, the popularity of suburban living and camping experienced a significant surge during the 70s.
In the upcoming scene, we witness Commander Koenig encountering monsters and experiencing a sort of breakdown. Throughout this chaotic moment, the Commander continuously calls out for Victor, whom he had previously dismissively labeled as cynical and hopeless. The scene is undeniably peculiar.
The entire situation struck me as strange. It was unsettling to witness a military Commander insisting that people put on a brave face and accept their circumstances. I couldn’t help but question whether it would be better to simply acknowledge the harsh reality of being lost in space, rather than pretending everything was fine. However, upon reflection, I realized it was important to focus on the positive aspects.
This episode made me realize that it’s crucial for people to not dwell on negativity or become complacent, regardless of the circumstances. Even if they were slowly dying, as the scientist stated, with no hope of rescue, it would be foolish to give up and accept the absurdity of it all.
Furthermore, I pondered the significance of hope in space. Would there be religious individuals on the space station or the satellites orbiting Mars? However, the idea of a church in space made me question the relevance of the Bible’s message in such a context.
If people were to realize the futility of religion in space, would it make them more prone to violence in order to survive? Would leaders find alternative methods to control the masses and maintain their power? Regardless, it is worth noting that religion has always been present in outer space, even if only on Earth.
In one particular scene, the alien character played by Peter Cushing makes a thought-provoking statement, looking directly at the camera and saying, “you are the missing link.” Perhaps, in this story, we are the missing link as our galaxy traverses the universe like Moonbase Alpha. It is crucial for us to pay attention