Unmasked Pt.1 is serious business. We see Eliot and Tyrell launch the Fsocity hack on Evil Corp. Plus, we get to see more perspective from the introvert, Elliot. Also, Evil Corp is hit up with ransomware by Darlene a.k.a anon hackers who want money, while Elliot once again disappears. These are the story lines coming down the pipe.
As we get full swing into this segment, Elliot starts his takedown of Evil Corp. First, he ssh’s into the server farm. Next, he coordinates his hack with the Dark Army via IRC. After looking at some pcap, python, and script files, Elliot is ready to takedown Evil Corp.
Additionally, this episode gets into the new slavery a.k.a debt. Fsociety wants to emancipate the world. To do this, Fsociety must go to war with Evil Corp. Debt is the new imperialism.
There is talk of constant variables in this segment. For example, death is a constant variable which is set. Another constant is the sun will rise or tomorrow will come or there is one God. However, there are other variables which can change or take on different values ie.religion.
Mr. Robot is a series for the introvert. We see the world from Elliot’s perspective. This is why it’s hard to follow the story lines in some episodes.
Elliot is OCD. Without order and structure, he can’t survive. Therefore, he goes about making his world as routine, ordered, and structured as possible. He probably does math problems in his head to keep the chaos out.
But I do see the beauty in the rules, the invisible code of chaos hiding behind the menacing face of order.
Perhaps, Fsociety should work from within the system. They could come up with some legislation; that is, some state or constitutional amendment to get rid of debt- it happened before. But at the end of the world, what’s the point, because in the coming Armageddon and subsequent new world there are no more doctors, lawyers, politicians, commercial systems, police, violence, poverty, or death.
In this broadcast, Evil Corp is hit with ransomware. The legal general counsel of Evil Corp advises Evil Corp to pay the ransom, because they will lose more money not paying in five days; however, the Evil Corp chief technology officer is hesitant to give into hackers. With time running out, the hackers want money, or the hackers will delete the Evil Corp banking system.
The head of Evil Corp is in damage control mode. He decides to not accept the advice of his legal counsel and CTO. He doesn’t want to give the hackers more reasons to do damage to Evil Corp
Briefly, a few things got my attention in this broadcast. In particular, Darlene’s ransomware hackers and Evil Corp in damage control. I want to see how these story lines pan out. Hopefully, the next episodes will have no immorality like this one and be entertaining,