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In Batman Annual #4 (2018), titled “What Hunts the Dark Knight in the Skies Above Gotham?” from DC Comics, we explore UAVs, hacking, and psychological profiles. However, this story’s overall focus is on Alfred and Batman as secondary characters.

As this story gets off the ground, Alfred’s life is about to change. We read that he receives a call in the middle of the night to come and identify two bodies. Sure enough, they’re the Waynes. Not only that, their son, Bruce Wayne, is now homeless, so Alfred leaves the coroner’s office with Bruce. This is not what Alfred intended to do with his life as a young man.

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Anyway, the story catches up to the present, and Alfred now helps Batman with his job. Alfred also makes all of his meals, a real mother figure that Bruce never had. Additionally, Alfred prepares the Batwing for flight. At this stage of Batman’s life, Alfred is a regular sidekick.

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This story involves drones, and Batman must deal with them. It seems a villain, known as The Drone, uses them to blow up buildings. The villain has just killed a number of Americans with his deadly toys.

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A little about drone technology: The drones themselves fly under the radar, meaning nobody knows when they will strike. This technology is now something anyone can obtain.

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Additionally, Batman had gotten hold of a psychological profile of the Drone. It appears the guy is feeling powerless and acts out because he is a nobody in the grand scheme of things. Anyway, Batman is closer to catching the Drone with this information.

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It appears Batman has an interesting source of intel. He has gotten a Russian hacker to provide him with Pentagon reports. Apparently, the military has a habit of making leaks, similar to the Supreme Court or even President Nixon.

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Something about vigilantes: Why does Alfred support such lawlessness? And even become one himself? And why don’t the police do their jobs when there are so many vigilantes? I am sure the vigilantes are part of the game.

Who knew Batman had a med bay in his house? He has one right in his Batcave. Strangely, though, he gets blood transfusions there – hopefully, he doesn’t catch any diseases from tainted blood.

And guess what, Batman gets treated at the back door of a clinic too. Apparently, we learn his doctor, Leslie Thompkins, has treated him numerous times. She gives Batman blood transfusions and patches up Alfred when he needs it – hopefully, he doesn’t get Hepatitis or AIDS.

Lastly, Batman has a self-driving car. This car gets him home when he can’t drive because some thugs used a spiked mace on him. I bet his car is a Tesla under the Batmobile’s exterior.
To conclude, this comic was okay. It seemed to want to be relevant by adding a drone story. The part about Russian hackers and psychological profiles was noteworthy. The dark, gritty feel of the art was alright. There were some cool ads in this comic too. Was it worth five dollars? Yeah, not a bad read under the covers of my bed, I must say.