When it comes to this season of CBS’s Big Brother 22, clearly, “Episode 17” was Dani’s episode. To begin, she won HOH. As well, she nominated All-Stars. In a way, this broadcast must of felt like season 8; especially, her water competition where she competed against her dad, Evel Dick, and Zach Swerdzewski.

First, lets start off with a laugh because the live feeds had some funny moments.

“We just need to keep painting Kevin as the crazy person… Walking around with a blanket.” Ian says to Dani.

As well as Ian’s funny, Dani talked about constipation in her family.

“When my brother was young, he would sit on the toilet and say, ‘I need prunes!” Dani told The Committee who broke out in laughter.

However, that being said, when it comes to the DR script writers who provide the dialog for the All-Stars in the DR sessions, David’s script really sounds phony. David informs us, saying, “If I don’t like the HOH’S nominees, I can disrupt one of the nominees. I can force the HOH to name a replacement. I can keep myself safe. I don’t want anyone to know. I am afraid to even talk out loud.” With that, David really comes of disingenuous and contrived when he delivers his DR script; however, he makes up for it when he makes fun of the script, which is the really funny in itself.

Meanwhile, in this segment, the rain begins, and Tyler has a message for us, during the HOH comp. “Here we go. Welcome to Big Brother.” Good one, Tyler.

Because of all the shat aka stuff, at this point, it’s a joke to even try again, according to Tyler. “Last week was definitely one of my toughest weeks. Now, I have to get my stuff together together. I feel like this is a second chance for me to collect myself, refocus, and start winning some stuff,” as Tyler, looking like the Joker, gives his speech with a laugh and smile, as he sticks his tongue out at us in the rain.

At this point in the broadcast, no doubt CBS Big Brother is serious business, according to Dani.

“I do not want to win this HOH. Right now, I feel like I am in a pretty good spot with most people in the house. The one person I cannot have win this competition is Tyler. He broke my trust,” Dani explains, “So I need to say up on this wall until he falls off.”

Aside, it should be said that the Power Trip Competition is based on torture, if you know anything about torture. For example, the CIA has been known to use water and wall leaning to torture people So what is it, CBS Big Brother? Is it torture or competitions?

On top of that, two All-Stars thought the Power Trip was torture. “That was pure torture,” Kevin says. “Yeah, it was,” Ian says.

In the Power Trip comp, Dani is probably having flashbacks to season 8 of Big Brother. Anyways, she moans, saying, “Oh my god, I am so cold.” Perhaps, she can dig down deep into herself and summon something to win this HOH- she really looks like her dad, Evel Dick, at this moment.

In a scene reminiscent of season 8, Dani, looking awfully like her soaked dad, Evel Dick, against Zach Swerdzewski, endures a water competition in hopes of making a better life for her family. “I just keep saying my daughter’s name to push me through,” relates Dani, “because the only thing that cannot happen at this point is for Tyler to win this HOH.”

Overall, episode 17 was Dani. She won HOH and nominated Kevin and David. Dani kicked it into gear during this broadcast.

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