“Episode 8” deals with guns in the home, social issues of old people, and Heather hits puberty. With that, Tom and Detective Mike Johnson discuss guns. But also, this airing examines the social reality of old people. Further, Heather is the topic of interest in the Hartman household. This episode digs into some social issues, which were relevant in the 70s.

In this episode, Tom is obsessed over guns.
“Tom, you were so unfriendly this morning. All you talked about was guns,” Mary points out.
Moreover, Tom felt hurt by Mary’s obscene books. “You humiliated me, Mary,” revealed Tom.
As well, Tom feels frustrated at Mary. Toms pleads to Mary, saying, “All I ask you to do is to clean the house.” Additionally, Tom adds: “To keep it right for me and Heather. I am not even here. That’s all. I am not even here half the time. Is that too much to ask? Do I ask too much of you?”
Tom is hurt. “All I know is I give and give. And I get absolutely nothing back,” an exhausted Tom tells Mary.
Following Tom’s discussion, Mary does her laundry. “It was on special and I had a bunch of coupons,” as she informs Martha about a special on detergent.
At this point, Roberta arrives at the Hartman house.
“Most old people,” Mary tells Roberta.

However, Roberta calls “old people” a different word: seniors. Roberta explains to Mary, saying, “We call them seniors. No, no, seniors like senior citizens.”
Roberta explains the social reality of an old person in the USA. She informs Mary, saying, “Old people. I mean seniors have nowhere to go. Except to us.” Roberta explains. “Where is a senior to turn? To his room? To his walls?”
Not only that, Roberta was raised by her grandpa. She divulges this information to Mary: “My grandfather who raised me had no one. It’s not a pretty picture.”
As it turns out, Grandpa Larking suffers from loneliness in this broadcast. “I think I found the key. To grandpa’s loneliness. His situation is not unusual,” points out Roberta.
“Episode 8” sees Grandpa Larkin the main subject of the Hartman household even though it’s for flashing. Mary discloses to us: “You mean there are a lot of flashing?” Roberta adds: “Mrs. Hartman, that is a behavioural situation. He can be reached. It would be like giving a human being as second chance.”
It’s this airing where Mary talks about Heather. “She did look flat. She looked fat and flat. But she looked beautiful,” Mary discloses to viewers.
Oddly, Detective Mike Johnson, the 24 hour protection for Heather, brings up Scotch Guard. He discloses to Mary: “We got Scotch Guard.” This must of really been the 70s.
As well, the detective confess to being sneaky. “Maybe she caught on I was letting her win at Monopoly,” reveals the detective.
Nonetheless, Mary makes a good observation about the detective. She tells the detective: “You did? That’s cheating. And you’re a police man.”
To sum up, I found this episode informative. Especially, I like the part about old people, since I did not know some of their social problems. In addition to that, I found the part about Mary and Heather funny. I enjoyed this segment.