“Episode 2,” which you can catch on YouTube, is funny as f..k. To begin, we learn Granpa Larkin is arrested for indecent exposure. Also, mother is worried about Cathy’s new boyfriend. As well, Mary still wants some loving, which had me laughing.

As this episode starts, Grandpa Larkin is arrested for indecent exposure. Upon Mary’s arrival at the police station, Sgt Foley tells the guard, “Hey Jerry! Send up the flasher!”
Oddly, in this segment, we learn Grandpa exposes himself in the police station too. This incident happens when he leaves with Mary. That being said, Sgt Foley just watches as Mary and grandpa Larkin leave the station.

It should be said, Grandpa Larkin is extremely funny.
“What do you think I do all day? I sit. I walk. Sometimes I lean,” points out a tired looking grandpa Larkin to Sgt Foley. “What else can I do? Doctors found all this stuff to keep us going for 90 years. But we ain’t got any place to go and nothing to do.”

Meanwhile, back at local factory, Tom and George, Tom’s dad, eat their lunch on a work break. At this point, Charley sings one of Loretta’s song to them. “They call me the engineer… And I am riding the train to heaven.”
In an honest television moment, Martha, Mary Hartman’s mother, shows some racism. “Soulful? I don’t like the sound of that. He’s not black is he?” worries mom.

However, Cathy doesn’t care if he’s black. Cathy tells mom, saying, “No mother, he’s Armenian,” smiles Cathy.
Meanwhile, Grandpa Larkin is back at home. Apparently nobody cares as Grandpa Larkin asks, “Is there any peanut butter?”

Because Grandpa Larkin was arrested as a flasher, father wants to put him in a home. Father says at a family meeting: “We’ve got to put him in a home.”
However, Grandpa Larkin just sees it as just another opportunity to get rid of him.
“I’ll never forget you made me sell my dog when I moved in here. He was a great dog, and he was almost a thoroughbred. Well, now that you got all that you could get out of me, and I am an old man, you want to throw me away.”

At the end of the day, Mary Hartman is burned out.
“It’s just incredible. Fernwood Flasher. Mass murders. Goats. Chickens.” sighs Mary, “and my floor is yellow. I am too keyed up to sleep.”

However, Mary is looking for love too. “Look ma. No hands,” as she smiles from the other side of the bed to Tom.
Overall, I thought this segment was a funny one. Moments had me laughing like when Grandpa Larkin was talking to Sgt Foley. Plus, Mary Hartman was funny as f..k. I enjoyed this episode in quarantine.

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