In this episode “Awakenings” of Impulse Revisionism, we see Henry in a state of deep despair and isolation. She feels completely detached from her surroundings and strips down, symbolizing her vulnerability and the trauma she has endured. Henry’s past is marred by abuse, and she struggles with unresolved issues related to her father.

Henry experiences a bizarre and unsettling dream where she accepts the hand of Clay, the person who assaulted her, and even wears his jacket. This dream sequence is particularly strange and haunting.

Within the dream, Henry encounters Jenna, who is trapped in a locked truck by her boyfriend. Jenna expresses a desire to leave, saying, “I should probably go,” to which her boyfriend responds, “Go where?” Jenna then screams “Run!” to Henry, who finds herself in the middle of nowhere in the countryside.

Back in reality, Henry is experiencing a seizure while awake. Her eyes are wide open as she lies on a hospital stretcher, but she remains unconscious, trapped in her dream where she is fleeing from Clay.

The episode also delves into Lucas’s backstory. Lucas’s father coerced him into committing a murder for the sake of his family. Lucas now regrets his actions, especially after discovering that Clay hurt Henry and that Amos Miller, the man he killed, was innocent.

You’re the strongest pirate!

During her seizure, Henry returns home and confronts her mother’s boyfriends, desperately pleading for her mother’s help. However, her mother is too preoccupied with her relationships to provide the support Henry needs, leaving Jenna vulnerable to potential harm.

The episode reveals that while Lucas killed Amos Miller, it was Henry and Bill who set the events in motion. Henry identified Amos as a potential threat to Clay, and Bill convinced his son to carry out the murder. Ultimately, it was Henry’s teleportation abilities that triggered the chain of unfortunate events.

There is a reference to the movie “Flight of the Navigator,” where lab rats are mentioned. This alludes to Henry’s fate if the government were to capture her, as she would likely be subjected to experiments.

The episode concludes with a thought-provoking twist. Clay and Henry are revealed to be the same person, and Henry finds herself conversing with her younger self. Her younger self refers to her older self as the monster. Interestingly, Clay possesses the ability to teleport in the dream, hinting at a connection to Nikolai.


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