Here’s a few gems you may of overlooked in this reimagine of “The Eagle and The Bee.” If you didn’t see this, this episode deals with the go nowhereness of postmodernity and failed modernist politics. Also, this airing looks at federal agents and state officer jurisdictional disputes. As well, it looks at teleporters and their gravitational models and profiles. Finally, I know you missed the intrusion of capitalism into the private and personal lives of people, in order to make a buck. So lay back, break free, and check out this episode again, because where you going?
If you missed this, Henry can never return to her childhood home. This happens when she is busted after teleporting/ breaking into it. Immediately, a woman named Dippy, who currently owns the house, sticks a shotgun in Henry’s face and orders her out. Read between the lines in this episode: there is no going home.
Onto other stuff, it seems criminals have infiltrated the police, yet some cops don’t know about it. “They got eyes and ears in your dept,” says a federal agent to Anna, a local state cop. The producers are once again asking you to read between the lines.
The feds are in Reston, New York. They are working on a federal fentanyl case which happens to be situated out of Reston. A local cop is in the dark about this sting.
I know you missed this one: Lucas, Bill Bone’s son, is postmodern. Apparently, he listens to self help MP3s, which is postmodern. See, due to the failure of grand narratives like religion in the past. postmodern focuses on relativity, diversity, and the self and personal fulfillment, which works for Lucas.
If you missed this, Dippy is smarter than she makes out. We learn this when Dippy tells Henry that her father was a paranoid schizophrenic for destroying half her childhood rental home. But later Dippy goes on to tell Henry “the mother and daughter were better off” as she smiles at Henry. But what Dippy knew was the father was a teleporter, who destroyed the house; this being the case, Dippy understood the importance of keeping a secret about teleporters when she smiled at Henry about her father.
This episodes offers a non-obvious statement about Catholic preachers. First, Catholic parishners are portrayed as nosey, as when the preacher’s sister asking the preacher’s wife about her family problems. As well, the preacher is self centred by only talking about his injuries. You had to look hard for these statements about Catholics.
Here’s one that had to be missed: When the Catholic preacher says God tests people. Clearly, God does not test people with evil trials because God is righteous. (Jas 1:13)
Postmodernity is big in this episode. Especially, when it comes to Henry and her obsession with identity: ”There’s just this thing that brought me here. And I was just trying to figure out why.” Unlike past times when identity was linked to the bourgeoisie, proletariat, or class structures, today’s identity is all relative and diverse.
Something else non-obvious about this broadcast: how capitalism has entered the personal and private lives of individuals. For example, you see Dippy’s big tv, medication, and bills. Postmodernism tells us that this is capitalism’s last refuge, last stand, and last co-opt, because capitalism must make a buck or implode.
Here’s something that I wondered about Henry. It’s strange Henry is out in the middle of nowhere by herself and nobody is around or seems to care. There is nobody around to comfort her. As with the loss of traditional class structures and focus in the self and postmodernity, lots of people are alone, which you had to read between the lines.
You had to miss this: failed modernist politics. In one scene, a dope dealing Mennonite preacher tells a story about an eagle and a bee which is about communism. Anyways, communism, much like other modernist politics a.k.a liberal capitalism a.k.a socialism, is a fail in the same way as failed religious traditional narratives which gave rise to failed modernist politics.
This episode suggests the craziness of technology. “Gravitational shifts that match the profile,” says Nikolai’s sister. Here, we see statistic models to monitor electromagnetic fields, which probably extends to distant galaxies and consternations.
Here’s another missed one for you: Old people are throwaways. Ask yourself: A disabled and ill old woman living alone in the country? In the middle of nowhere? With no visitors? Overdue bills! Medication!I am sure it’s more common than people know, but most people can’t see beyond themselves.
Overall, I enjoyed this return to this segment. The part about postmodernity and self help was expected. Also, the part of capitalism’s last stand by invading the private and personal to make a buck was good. Finally, I liked the part about failed modernist politics to deliver on the promise of freedom and wealth in an era of postmodernity. After all is said and done, you might well sit back, break free, because where you going:)