Henry’s back to her old habits, spray painting water towers, but now she’s teleporting to get there—which, let’s admit, adds a whole new level of coolness. Watching her casually zap in and out definitely makes you wonder just how much freedom her newfound powers really offer.

But things aren’t exactly what they seem, especially when Clear Tech sets up a fake room as her so-called safe space. It’s basically an elaborate cage disguised as comfort—mirroring Henry’s room at Cleo’s place. The kicker? To truly escape Clear Tech’s grasp, Henry has to give up safety for genuine freedom, exactly like Nikolai did. It really makes you question the price of independence.

There’s also this intriguing reflection Henry has about being an angel. Sure, teleportation and superhuman powers could certainly fit the angelic mold. But then Nikolai throws in a wrench, dropping biblical references about Adam, Eve, Cain, and the spinning sword guarding Eden. He’s not sure any of it truly matters, if you look at how Adam, Eve, and Cain still followed the devil even after talking to God, but the religious symbolism certainly adds depth to their existential crisis—especially when there’s no Bible involved in his self-reflection.

Cleo’s trauma is hitting hard this episode. In a gut-wrenching moment at the doctor’s office, a playful kid pretends to shoot her, and Cleo completely falls apart, bolting out of the room. It’s a stark reminder that trauma doesn’t just fade because we wish it would.

On a lighter note, Zoe and Townes deliver some nerdy Trekkie charm. Their conversation about robots, RGB lights, and switches feels genuinely relatable. Bonus points for their detailed Star Trek debates over the Enterprise-D and NCC-1701-E’s engine chambers—clearly, these two know their stuff. And their banter about “Settlers of Catan,” especially Zoe’s preference for the black cart and strategically controlling robbers, gives their friendship a delightful geeky authenticity.
Meanwhile, trouble brews as the police try pulling a fast one on Cleo, eager to search her place without an actual warrant. Fortunately, Cleo’s fiancé steps up with a confident smile, smoothly turning them away. It’s one of those tense-but-satisfying moments that had me rooting from the sidelines.
Finally, Townes gets cryptic, recording a video message just in case he meets an untimely demise—classic Townes drama. He casually drops he has Sam the hacker’s research and hints at possessing Clear Tech’s teleportation secrets, leaving us with another cliffhanger and tons of questions.

Portable Tote Teleportation device.
All in all, “The Tether” skillfully blends emotional depth with sci-fi intrigue, making it an episode definitely worth watching.