In Impulse, a TV series about a teleporter named Henry, there’s a quantum arms race brewing in the background—because, of course, what’s sci-fi without a bunch of scientists fighting over who gets to break the universe first? The show touches on this lovely little war when a multinational corporation, dabbling in quantum science and teleportation, decides the best use for Henry’s talents is to lock her up in a lab disguised as her own bedroom. You know, because nothing says “we value your gifts” like a luxury prison.
Fast forward to today, and this isn’t just fiction. Multinational corporations are out here playing Einstein like a violin, following his theory of relativity right into the world of AI. But instead of catching the teleporters, they’ve got your personal data, and they’re building a reality around you—a personalized trap disguised as convenience. They know your favorite coffee, your secret binge-watching habits, and what you bought at 3 a.m. last Tuesday. And now they’re creating a world where they call the shots, a world eerily similar to Henry’s corporate-built prison, where she’s expected to live out her last days as a lab rat.
But hey, it’s all in the name of scientific research, right? Just like Henry’s bedroom-lab, it’s all so cozy… until you realize you’re not the one in control.