Quantum Computer Arms Race

In Impulse, a TV series about a teleporter named Henry, there’s a quantum arms race brewing in the background—because, of course, what’s sci-fi without a bunch of scientists fighting over who gets to break the universe first? The show touches on this lovely little war when a multinational corporation, dabbling in quantum science and teleportation, decides the best use for Henry’s talents is to lock her up in a lab disguised as her own bedroom. You know, because nothing says “we value your gifts” like a luxury prison.

Fast forward to today, and this isn’t just fiction. Multinational corporations are out here playing Einstein like a violin, following his theory of relativity right into the world of AI. But instead of catching the teleporters, they’ve got your personal data, and they’re building a reality around you—a personalized trap disguised as convenience. They know your favorite coffee, your secret binge-watching habits, and what you bought at 3 a.m. last Tuesday. And now they’re creating a world where they call the shots, a world eerily similar to Henry’s corporate-built prison, where she’s expected to live out her last days as a lab rat.

Imagine the military thinking you’re a threat to national security due to your natural gifts. They follow you. And they want to control you and your home. And basically lock you up for the rest of your life

But hey, it’s all in the name of scientific research, right? Just like Henry’s bedroom-lab, it’s all so cozy… until you realize you’re not the one in control.


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