“He Said, She Said” of Impulse Revised weaves together several intriguing storylines. One follows Nikolai as he files a sinister report to the corporation. Another explores the connections between teleportation, brain seizures, and lost time. The final storyline delves into responsibility and accountability in personal relationships.

In this episode of “He Said She Said,” Nikolai must report to the sinister corporation. He files his findings about Henry while undercover, spinning lies on the spot. A nice guy working for an evil corporation.

This episode also draws some strong connections. It appears that teleportation is linked to brain seizures and lost time, ultimately leading to memory loss in one way or another.

Issues of responsibility and accountability arise in this segment. Clay is unsure if he forced himself on Henry, so he asks an ex-girlfriend if he ever did that to her. She responds, “I never did anything I didn’t want to do. That’s not who I am.”

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