Impulse Revised’ episode “Vitamors” ventures into multiple compelling narratives, offering a tapestry of intriguing storylines. At its core, the episode unravels the complexities surrounding Henry, whose childhood trauma intertwines with her ability to teleport. Additionally, it sheds light on the unexpected involvement of Mennonites in the drug trade, while concurrently showcasing the strain on law enforcement officers experiencing distressing breakdowns. Furthermore, the narrative unveils the challenges posed by teleporters breaching boundaries and the authorities’ inability to contain them. Amidst these revelations, a clandestine gravitational wave facility emerges, shrouded in mystery, situated in an isolated landscape, and deeply entangled with the enigma of teleportation. These intricate threads weave together the captivating highlights of “Vitamors.”
To start, Henry finds herself confronted with past trauma, triggered by an incident from her childhood. She grappled with uncertainty, pondering whether she had somehow transported herself back in time—a scenario akin to time travel.
In the subsequent scene, we observe Mennonites, seemingly entrenched in a bygone era, dressed in old-fashioned farming attire, as they deliver a cow. Simultaneously, amidst this facade of traditional living, they engage in the production and distribution of fentanyl, a potent drug used for pain relief but also associated with lethal consequences.
Moving along the Mennonites are fervent and diligent in their drug trade, actively vending their products within gym settings. Amidst this underground enterprise, there’s a subtle hint of illegal steroid usage prevalent in these fitness centers.
We delve deep into the world of Mennonite drug dealings, where they employ the postal service as a means to ship fentanyl. This intertwining of commerce with illegal substances constitutes a federal crime, attracting the attention and involvement of federal authorities.
The episode delves into the world of Mennonites and their stringent security protocols. These measures include stationed guards at the entrance, maintaining a watchful eye. Additionally, accessing the Mennonite compound necessitates possessing either a badge or explicit permission, reinforcing their strict security procedures.
The broadcast uncovers the heartbreaking truth that the Leader Mennonite inadvertently caused his own son’s death through fentanyl. Despite this tragedy, he seeks to adhere to the Mennonite tradition of burying his son three days after the passing. Consequently, the Mennonite leader’s wife, Ester, withdraws her hand from her husband, indicating a significant emotional distance resulting from this devastating event.
This broadcast deserves praise for its unflinching portrayal of law enforcement. A police officer, grappling with mental health challenges, witnesses the deceased youth whom she believes she inadvertently contributed to killing. This experience prevents her from conducting an emotionally charged interview with the grieving Mennonite family of the deceased child.
The broadcast raises a thought-provoking question regarding teleportation and national borders. While US law enforcement can access border logs, the inquiry arises: how would they discern information about teleportation? Are teleporters considered illegal migrants, potentially contributing to the influx of undocumented individuals in the USA? This exploration prompts intriguing connections between teleportation and the prevalence of illegal immigration.
In this episode, inquiries emerge about the meticulous records maintained by the police within their borders, akin to a prison where any unaccounted presence becomes a concern. However, the challenge arises when dealing with individuals who possess the ability to teleport freely anywhere. Keeping records of such individuals becomes an insurmountable task, leading to the question: Do authorities resort to attempting to eliminate these teleporters due to the impossibility of tracking them?
Meanwhile, Jenna finds solace in baking as a form of therapy. Involving others in the baking process becomes therapeutic, yet if they resist, it becomes part of the issue, which in itself poses a problem.
Mental health takes center stage in this episode, shedding light on Henry’s struggles with intense loneliness. This inner turmoil surfaces unexpectedly in the classroom while the teacher lectures about torture, coinciding with Henry drifting off during the discussion. Despite Henry’s moment of disengagement, the teacher continues the discourse on the subject.
The episode delves into the existence of teleporters, showcased through numerous YouTube videos capturing people seemingly teleporting across the globe. Townes uncovers the possibility of a larger population of teleporters beyond what was initially understood.
Dreams and teleportation take center stage in this segment. Henry experiences teleportation within her dreams, an occurrence that physically transports her. This raises the question of whether she self-teleported or if someone, akin to a higher power, summoned her—an echo reminiscent of the biblical tale of Apostle Peter and the angelic dream that facilitated his liberation from prison.
Townes shares his recent findings with Henry regarding her teleportation experiences. He reveals a correlation between teleportation and the body being in a state of relaxation, devoid of stress or duress.
This broadcast delves into the realm of corporate espionage and murder. It unravels a clandestine corporation where a corrupted individual with teleportation abilities is targeting and eliminating other teleporters.
In a surprising turn, we discover that the covert corporation owns a gravitational wave observatory situated on secluded private land, far from civilization. These cosmic waves, influential across the universe, hold sway over celestial bodies, binding entire solar systems together in their cosmic dance.
Meanwhile, in Reston, New York, law enforcement officers are on the hunt for records. They aim to establish a paper trail that links a certain individual to the United States in connection with smuggling activities.
In a surprising turn, rookie cops are utilizing email to share border logs, unaware that these logs could be vulnerable to interception through man-in-the-middle attacks. There’s a concern that sophisticated quantum computers could potentially crack the encryption protecting these logs.
This episode highlights how corporate facilities housing individuals with extraordinary abilities often maintain high-security measures, including armed guards and strict access protocols like badges. The escalation of a problem within one of these facilities necessitates immediate assistance.
It’s intriguing how a dream holds such power—it can transport you, empower you, instill hope. Sometimes it blurs the line between reality and the imagined because, after all, isn’t reality just another form of a dream? It’s all intertwined within the material world—where energy equals matter and everything sounds like a load of bullshit.
Upon viewing this episode, one might notice the disparity in healthcare accessibility for the wealthy. Those with financial means can easily acquire medical necessities, like a wheelchair, without bureaucratic hurdles. They have the privilege of opting for home care over hospitalization, receiving rehabilitation within their own residences, and being nursed and monitored in the comfort of their homes rather than in a underfunded, understaffed clinical setting.
This episode is filled with exploration. Henry delves into her childhood home, uncovering memories. Dominic navigates the corporate gravitational wave facility, donning headphones to shield against a sound weapon, all while searching for his son. Meanwhile, Jenna experiments mentally through her baking and burnt doodles, exploring her thoughts and emotions in conversation with her father.

As the episode nears its conclusion, a revelation unfolds—the secret corporation operates a gravitational wave facility secluded in remote private land. It’s unveiled that teleportation is tied to a specific gene, one that can be manipulated like a light switch through CRISPR gene editing methods. Additionally, the corporation coerces Dominic and his son into a state of servitude, a reality they find impossible to endure.
Finally, a potential solution emerges for Henry’s challenges—either gaining control over her teleportation abilities or addressing her childhood trauma. Henry could consider various approaches: self-medication, such as using substances like cannabis; engaging in exercise to manage emotions and trauma, with some methods proving more effective than others; seeking medical advice where doctors might prescribe medications like benzodiazepines, Prozac, or other suitable treatments.
“Vitamors” encapsulates several compelling storylines. Firstly, Henry grapples with childhood trauma fueling her teleportation abilities. Secondly, the unsettling reality of Mennonite involvement in drug dealing surfaces. Thirdly, the strain on law enforcement officers leading to breakdowns is portrayed. Fourthly, the challenge of teleporters breaching borders and authorities’ incapacity to control them becomes evident. Moreover, a clandestine gravitational wave facility, deeply entwined with the teleportation phenomenon, exists in the remote wilderness. These nuanced highlights from the episode paint a complex and engaging picture of “Vitamors.”