Big Brother 22’s “Episode 7” was insightful. First, we learn Enzo was abused as a kid, although he doesn’t see it that way. Second, Janelle is unaware that she’s confiding in a secret alliance member. In “Episode 7,” turns out it’s Tyler’s lucky episode. These are just some of the happenings on live feed during Big Brother 22’s “Episode 7”.

During this segment, we learn Enzo was physically disciplined when he was a child.
“No time outs,” Enzo says about child hood punishments.
Elsewhere, Memphis is playing both sides of the fence. Memphis tells Janelle, saying, “I am on board with keeping that organic relationship alive,” While Memphis sits on the fence, he’s neither hot nor cold.
On top of that, Memphis believes the world owes him something. “I want him to prove to me that he deserves to be in this All-Star cast,” Memphis told DR about David.

That being said, Tyler has plans for David.
“You’re here for a f…ing reason,” Tyler reassures David.
Although Janelle caught on to secret alliance, in this episode, she never figured out the extend of that alliance. “I walked into a powwow where it’s Nicole F, Tyler, Cody, and Dani,” Janelle tells a secret alliance member, Memphis.

That being said, Dani knows what’s she dealing with.
“Janelle is the queen of Big Brother. She’s coming hard,” says Dani.
It turns out, Memphis is a wildcard, according to Janelle. She reveals to Nicole A: “Nicole, there is nothing we can do. Memphis is a freaking wildcard.”
After watching Kaysar’s eviction vote, I wondered if he doesn’t like Julie. “Hi Julie,” says Kaysar as he stares at the ground without looking at Julie on camera.

Toward the end of this broadcast, Julie said some famous last words to Nicole A. “If I could give you a hug, I would, but I cannot, because of these strange times,” Julie says.
Last but not least, Tyler finally won a HOH.
“Tyler is now in power,” Julie proclaims.
To sum up, in this broadcast, we learned a few things. First, Janelle is unaware of what’s happening around her in regards to alliances. Also, Memphis just might be a wildcard. As well, Tyler is starting to pick up his game-play by winning HOHs. Keep your eye on these people, because there is more to them than meets the eye.