I have always loved “If You Seek Amy” by Britney Speers for personal reasons. And I could listen to it ten hours straight on Youtube. Here’s some of those reasons.
I swear, life is so crazy, so when Britney Speers sings “La la la lala la la la…,” I sing that too, because my life has always been crazy “Oh, baby, baby…” That being said, I could be dying of cancer, sitting on the toilet and pooping tons of blood, and I would be laughing my head off cause I can’t do a thing about it. Ain’t life funny?

Honesty, I need to say, I am totally not with this world. In fact, people could sing this line about me, too, “Oh baby, baby. Have you seen Amy tonight?
Is she in the bathroom ? Is she smokin’ up outside?” I am sure people do, because I am never with it, around, or whatever happens around me.
Often, in the middle of a fight, I drift away from everything and begin to hum and sing these lyrics, “Oh baby, baby. Does she take a piece of lime. For the drink that Imma buy her. Do you know just what she likes? (Oh!)” I have did it numerous times; however, whoever I am fighting in some chatbox, my enemies don’t know this song and always think I am talking about them, but I just go on singing these lyrics to my real friends, which is kind of our own private joke.

Nevertheless, if someone loves me or hates me, I just tell them to “follow me,” which always makes them real mad or laugh, so I just sing the rest of Britney’s lyrics to them: “Love me hate me. Say what you want about me. But all of the boys and all of the girls are beggin’ to if you seek Amy
Love me hate me. But can’t you see what I see. All of the boys and all of the girls are beggin’ to if you seek Amy.” Get on Twitter and follow me.
Overall, I love this song and can listen to it on Youtube when it’s looped for hours and hours. I just listen and sing along “Oh baby, baby, we’ll do whatever you like.”