In regards to where I am standing or sitting, Billie Eilish’s “Everything I wanted” song is about one thing: personal hell. That being said, hell can be getting everything you wanted. Also, it can be materialism aka materialistic. As well, suicide and depression can be hell. Moreover, hell can be getting the person you always wanted. “Everything I Wanted” from the WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO? 2019 (WHERE DO WE GO WHEN WE DIE? album ha ha) album is not what you expect, according to my interpretation of the lyrics.
According to Billie Eilish, if you got everything you wanted, it would be a nightmare. As she points out, Billie sums it up this ways when she sings, “I had a dream. I got everything I wanted. Not what you’d think. And if I’m bein’ honest. It might’ve been a nightmare.” It’s not what you think, and it could turn out to be a real nightmare.

As well, all your time would be gone, if you were rich. You would never have time for family, since you would be too preoccupied with making money. As well, your material things would take all your time. Basically, you would miss out on life.
When it comes to caring, people only care about themselves, so I concur with Billie when she talks about selfish people.

“To anyone who might care. Thought I could fly,” sighs Billie. “So I stepped off the Golden, mm. Nobody cried (Cried, cried, cried, cried). Nobody even noticed. I saw them standing right there. Kinda thought they might care (Might care, might care).”
Of course, you know Billie sings about suicide in this song. “I stepped off the Golden, mm.” Here, Billy means the Golden Gate bridge in Cali, but nobody even noticed when she attempted suicide.
Additionally, this song is about depression. Did you know, depressed people go through life depressed? Did you know, depression is 24/7? Throughout this song, Billie is driving while she is depressed. Some people go through life without even knowing that they are depressed.

During this song, you get the idea that the majority of people are bad. For example, people only care about themselves. Further, people are angry, or they are full of themselves. Moreover, people don’t seem to care about their parents, or they don’t to have any real good feelings. In fact, people just love themselves. Yeah, today, people are bad.
That being said, imagine being stuck with someone you hate. Perhaps, Billie knows what it feels like when she sings: “I had a dream. I got everything I wanted. But when I wake up, I see. You with me.” It doesn’t sound like Billie is happy with the person in her lyrics.

Moreover, that person doesn’t want to leave, which would be hell. “And you say, ‘As long as I’m here, no one can hurt you. Don’t wanna lie here, but you can learn to. If I could change the way that you see yourself. You wouldn’t wonder why you hear ‘they don’t deserve you.'”
Therefore, Billie accepts her hell. She’s learns to accept the unacceptable, singing, “Don’t wanna lie here, but you can learn to.” Basically, Billy has no choice.
Billie Eilish is in hell, according to the lyrics of this song.
“I tried to scream. But my head was underwater.”

Also, she being treated with no respect in this song.
“They called me weak. Like I’m not just somebody’s daughter.”

In fact, people didn’t care if Billie lived or died. “Coulda been a nightmare. But it felt like they were right there,” as she points out in a low tone.

Nevertheless, Billie has put it all behind her as if it all happened a year ago. “And it feels like yesterday was a year ago. But I don’t wanna let anybody know. ‘Cause everybody wants something from me now. And I don’t wanna let ’em down.”
Moreover, Billie, including me, would have it no other way in the end. Billie sums it up this way: “If I knew it all then, would I do it again? Would I do it again?”
Overall, “Everything I wanted” is a great song. It’s a great song to vibe out in your nice new sports car. It’s a great song to listen to as you drive endlessly through life, cities, or deserts, on a never ending journey. It’s a real great song to listen to as you sink to the bottom of the ocean, as you watch this world disapear. Give it a listen because you might love it.